The whole concept of this commercial is about the magic of turning a naked doll into a pretty elegant lady with make up, hair and off course the dress. The dress is design with modern Rome style. The top is a corset with embellishment of golden sequins. What is so special about this dress? This is the 1st doll corset which I insert wire into it and the dress is about 2 meters long which create a very dramatic looked. I love to play with the winds blowing the dress which create a very soft, romance feel.
The whole project took me around 4 days to finish. This is the 1st time I try the stop motion with the combination of video camera. The whole shooting process is really fun and exciting, and the final commercial is edited with Sony Vegas Pro 10 which gives me a lot of space to indulge my creativity and special effect. Everything is easier with it as the editing program and it make a huge different. I also have the chance to use my newly purchase lighting equipment as well as the backdrop too. Light add a lot of credit to the shoot, which I am able to take clearer picture and experiment with different kind of lightening directions. So I guess here is it, NiGel.ChiA ball jointed doll couture, WHERE THE MAGIC BEGIN. Enjoy it.
Photos, video, dress, face up by NiGel.ChiA
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