New awards for my blog!

I appreciate the awards very kind of you! She is too sweet and has an amazing blog herself go NOW and check it out!

I will answer the questions that I hadn't already answered when I won similar awards.

Name your favorite color- Pink,Neon Green
Name your favorite song- Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars or Are You Lonesome Tonight-Elvis Presley

Name your favorite dessert- Dark Chocolate

What pisses you off- When I go to a cosmetics counter and they A)ignore me or b)tell me incorrect information to try and make a sell.

When your upset you- Go shopping hehe

Your favorite pet- My minchi-Dolly 

Black or white- black

Your biggest fear- I try not to worry about things that I cannot change.

best feature- eyes or legs because I am so darn tall

Everyday attitude- Thankful for each day
What is perfection- being able to spend time with the hubster & my minchi Dolly

Guilty pleasure- Cherry Kombucha


I already did a share the love post, so I won't do 15blogs but any of the Followers of my blog are amazing girls and please please check them out!


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