The Beautiful People Featuring Sonja

I am so happy to have Sonja be apart of my The Beautiful People Interview Series. She is exactly they type of person that I wanted to be apart of this series. She is beautiful inside and out, amazingly talented and just an all around amazing girl. Enjoy the interview then go follow her amazing blog to see her tutorials and her makeup looks! 

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1. Have you always been into makeup as much as you are now? Has being a beauty blogger or watching You Tube videos about makeup increase your love?
I wasn't always into makeup.  In 8th grade I was in a play at school and it killed me that I had to wear mascara, I didn't want anything to do with it at all.  I definitely think, since becoming a blogger, seeing all of the creative ways other bloggers and some You Tube gurus use makeup to transform themselves has made me fall more in love with makeup.  It really can make such a difference.
2. Where do you find inspiration when doing your makeup, hair, and fashion?
Well lately I've been boring and just doing neutral, simple looks.  But I find inspiration in things around me, especially nature's color combinations.  I love the way nature has all color combinations perfectly mixed. 

3.Is there a celebrity that you would like to steal their look?
I always love me some Jennifer Lopez, she always looks amazing.  And Jessica Alba because she's stunning.

4.Is there a celebrity that you would like to do a makeover on? Who and why? 
Kesha.  She's such a mess.  I get she's trying to do her own thing but she looks sloppy so much of the time.

5.Do you have a Holy Grail makeup item? Holy Grail Beauty item (lotion, perfume ,hair product)
Holy Grail makeup item... hmm... my Maybelline concealers, the dark circle eraser and the Super Stay concealer.  I can't live without them.  Beauty items?  I use Vaseline non-scented lotion when I get out of the shower and it really helps my skin stay hydrated.

6.Is there a beauty trend that you just don't understand or you will never follow? 
I can appreciate the beauty in it but I would never bleach my eyebrows so light that you can't see them.  It's just not for me.

7.Is there something you could tell us about yourself that might surprise us or that we might not know just from your blog?
Hmm... I'm pretty much an open book on my blog but I guess I'd have to say that I'm not always as positive as I seem.  I get down and depressed just like everyone else, I just choose to focus on the good things in my life.

8.What made you or When did you decide to start a beauty blog?
I started posting on Makeup Geek and one girl would always ask me when I was going to get a blog.  It took me a while to follow through with it because I really didn't think anyone would care about what I had to say.

9.Can you tell us what music you like to listen to when you’re getting ready? What musician or songs you enjoy listening to when you’re doing hair and makeup?
I like upbeat music, songs that make your head swing back and forth.  "Mmm bop" by Hanson is a favorite of mine, I like Carrie Underwood, Britney Spears (her old stuff), and interestingly enough, I really like Will Smith's, "Switch" song haha.

10.Do you have any advice for anyone who is interested in starting a beauty blog?
Learn how to take good pictures.  Pictures make the biggest difference.

11.What is your favorite thing about having a beauty blog? How do you feel yours is different than many others out there?
I love being able to hopefully help teach some people new things, whether it's a new product, or something more personal.  How is mine different?  I'd have to say that I'm just completely honest.  If I love something, I'll tell you, if I hate it, I'll tell you.  Also if something is going on in my life, I'm open and honest about that as well.

12.What are some of your favorite beauty blogs?
I love "Pigments & Palettes" by Meredith Jessica, "Bows and Curtseys" from Ronnie, "Prettymaking" by Mandy, "Unique Desire" by Kassie, "Makeup by Siryn" from Dawn.  There are so many incredible blogs out there it's so hard to choose just a few.

I had to include this last photo because it just shows her range and skill! One of my favorite looks she has done.


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