Advice for Following Your Dreams!

We have probably all read the interview with the author from The Help
Kathryn Stockett who's best selling book is now a movie.

She got 60 rejection letters before someone finally said okay we will publish it. It would have been easier to stop after 10 or maybe 20 "No Thank You's" but to keep on because she loved this book so much for 60 says a lot about never giving up on your dream.( interview)

If you can DREAM it, you can DO it. - Walt Disney

If you don't have a dream, how can you have a dream come true? - Jiminy Cricket

It's so easy to give up on a dream because your not in an ideal situation for dreams to thrive. Maybe you live in a small town and there is nowhere for you to work to achieve your dream job. Perhaps you don't have the money to pursue all the things you want.  Maybe your friends and family don't support or understand your dreams. Trust me, just don't ever give!

I have dreams that have been laughed at, pushed aside,and I have been told flat out "Get a real job". However, with each makeup job I get I am that much closer to living that dream. I love my job and I love being able to be a makeup artist. Part of my DREAM is to own my own boutique/salon and offer beauty services. I would love for that to be in a big city somewhere, it's my dream so I dream big. I want to be a well known and respected makeup artist. However, I find that people don't accept the title makeup artist as a real job. I don't work for a salon, I don't work for anyone full time and it's hard to wrap their brains around it. I would also love to continue this blog and see where it takes me.

I have an amazing supportive husband and family who push me to challenge myself. It's not always easy to find work, or to get jobs that I really want. If you can't go out and do makeup jobs right now, read a book about your dream job. Study up on techniques, marketing yourself, about starting a small business because you are your own business. Get a website started,practice on friends,get business cards,do face charts,practice on yourself. I know that there will be days and months that go by and you won't get a job. Then it will come and you will work so much you won't remember what sleep felt like.

Always be working towards your dream even if you can't do it right now. On my down time I am reading blogs,watching you tube,reading magazines,books, and learning new trends and techniques. So no matter what your dream is no matter how big or small, never Ever let someone tell you that it's impossible. Just because they gave up on their dreams, doesn't mean you have too as well.

We are all working towards something, we may just be at different stages. Some of us may be working our dream job but have re evaluated that dream and want more. Some of us may be in high school and figuring out what that dream may be. Wherever you are reading this post tonight I hope you haven't let someone put out your light. Dream On!

images all from


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