Ecco Bella Bourbon Vanilla Parfum

1oz $27.00

This product is made from the finest bourbon vanilla in the world,from the Island of Madagascar. 

It is made from real essential oils which leads to a long lasting scent.

I have been using this product for some time now and I love it. It is so pure you barely need one spray and it will stick with you all day.Being a makeup artist I am always cautious about what I am wearing and how much because I am up in peoples faces most days. I love that this lingers without taking away your breathe from being too much. I am even guilty of spritzing the pillows when I leave in the morning so when I get home our bed will smell like vanilla.

I cannot wait to try the other scents because this is amazing and no matter how much I use it, it hasn't seemed to budge and go anywhere. They have actual room scents that I will have to get so I do not use up my lovely parfum.

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