FASHION / heavy machine

You can clearly distinguish between clothes and fashion: Clothing is more rational, practical and serves the body by protecting and support  it. Fashion, however, is pure luxury and decoration, which unfortunately restricts the body. Only a few labels focus on the creation of beautiful and comfortable clothing especially for shoes, this is a rather complicated task. A label that has just turned this abuse was being HEAVY MACHINE: The label was founded in 2009 and is specialized in the design and production of comfortable high heels, which look good and at the same time protect the legs, the feet and the spine. The designer behind the label think it would be logical that high shoes also suitable for comfortable run and should enrich its wearer rather than restricting. The concept works well and goes on: at the sight of shoes you would never think of functional and pragmatism. The shoes feature modern, unusual looks and interesting color combinations. Thus create the designer of heavy machine absolute masterpiece performance: they combine function with high aesthetics. And that is really good design.



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