The Beautiful People:An Interview with ThatGirlShaeXo

This weeks interview is with the beautiful Shae from ThatGirlShaeXo on You Tube. She is not only beautiful but she is also an amazing makeup artist. Her tutorials are amazing, and she is has over 11,000 subbies on You Tube that agree. 

1. Have you always been into makeup as much as you are now, or did You tube increase your need for all things beauty?(does you tube make you an addict)
A. Growing up I actually disliked makeup! I was a huge tom boy. I grew up in South Dakota loving sports and fishing and things like that. It wasn't until my late teens where I started experimenting with makeup and found my true love for it. Since then youtube has inspired me more and more everyday to keep learning and playing!

2. Where do you find inspiration when doing your makeup, hair, and fashion?
A. I find my inspiration in almost everything. I could see an article of clothing with an interesting color pattern and run home right away to make a look out of it. I also love looking through fashion magazines. I learn so much from just trying to recreate looks in advertisements.

3.Is there a celebrity that you would like to steal their look?
A. Katy Perry! I absolutely adore her and I think we have very similar personalities. Shes so fun and care free and always has a fresh clean face with a pop of color.

4.Is there a celebrity that you would like to do a makeover on? Who and why? 
A. Snooki! I think shes funny and all but she could be even more pretty if she would just learn to do a proper smokey eye with lashes.

5.Do you have a Holy Grail makeup item? Holy Grail Beauty item (lotion, perfume ,hair product)
A. My holy grail makeup would have to be woodwinked eye shadow by mac as well as pink swoon blush! they both look beautiful on any skin type!

6.Is there a beauty trend that you just don't understand or you will never follow? 
A. Frosty lipstick! It has the worst tenancy to make your teeth look yellow. Also way to much lip liner.

7.Is there something you could tell us about yourself that might surprise us or that we might not know just from your videos/blog?
A. I had really bad grades through middle school and high school up until my junior year.It still really bothers me today! I never applied myself and if I could have done it all over again I would have spent alot more time in the books and alot less time worrying what others thought of me.

8.How did you get started with doing You Tube? What made you want to start filming?
A. XSparkage was my first inspiration for starting a youtube channel. I was one of her first hundred subscribers. She inspired me so much to play with crazy funky colors. I did not have a whole lot of confidence growing up as a tom boy. Starting a youtube channel forced me face my insecurities head on and see that even I was beautiful.

9.Can you tell us what music you like to listen to when you’re getting ready? What musician or songs you enjoy listening to when you’re doing hair and makeup?
A. I LOVE Pandora. Its usually set on a country station. It relaxes me so much because it reminds me of my hometown and my family :)

10.Do you have any advice for anyone who is interested in starting a beauty you tube channel?
A. Dont worry about your number of subscribers or if you're a partner or not. Now a days it seems everyone on youtube is competing with each other on who can be top dog. When I first started out it was still just about the love of making videos and sharing your passion! If you're going to do it, do it for the right reasons. Not to be a "youtube celebrity".

(Her Mila Kunis makeup video is one of my favorites)

11.Do you have any tips for people who are aspiring makeup artist?
 A. Don't give up! Practice Practice Practice. Makeup is HARD but at the end of the day, its just makeup, and it all washes off. :)

Thank you for having me! I love your blog beautiful! :) 

You can find Shae at her Youtube Channel  ThatGirlShaeXo
At her blog
On Twitter @ThatGirlShaeXo
On her Vlog Channel ShaeTheMUA

Tell her I sent you :)


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