Thanksgiving Hair Disaster?

As you know I have been on a "No Dye" with my hair for over a month now. I use to be a blonde fanatic and couldn't stand just a little bit of darker root. So I stopped dying my hair after going dark auburn, then it faded to an ombre dark blonde to blonde.  

I have recently also been trying to finish up products in my shower that I quit using or just hadn't used since I was blonde. I had bought brand new Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Shampoo so I thought my hair is blonde now I can use it. Now I will admit I had used it once before last week but didn't really notice any difference. I also have other Pantene products that I have used and actually just finished up. 

Anyways, after I get out of the shower I notice my hair is shedding a lot more than normal. I just assume it's because it was in a tight bun before the shower maybe it caused a little damage. I go on with my routine and let it air dry and then finish it off with a little hair dryer. My hair was so many different shades of blonde and the texture was like straw. My hair has never felt like this or at least not since my bad 6th grade perm. 

My whole entire head is a different shade than when I went into the shower. Plus it feels like I washed my hair with dishwashing liquid my hair is slick and if you have ever used dish soap on your hair you know what I mean. So I googled this issue and I cannot believe the pages that I found about girls who have the same issue with Pantene. I immediately called my sister with a Thanksgiving Hair Emergency and she said don't you remember when we use to use Pantene it always made our hair fall out. It was like ten years ago so give me some credit for not remembering.

I tossed this shampoo and all other pantene products. This is just my opinion but anything that can damage my hair like that in one use is scary.The chemicals that must be in there to literally strip hair dye out of my hair and make it a completely different color, yikes! I won't be out doing any Black Friday shopping anyways but I will be out getting some hair dye to fix this disaster. 

This is just my opinion and what happened to me, I clearly have no affiliation with Pantene and have not been in contact with them.  
This is the page I read just a few of the complaints, and Makeup Alley also gives a pretty accurate review of how I felt just a lot of other girls to verify that I wasn't crazy.

Have you had this happen to you? I will be buying Sulphate Free Shampoo from now on heheh


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